We can help you comply with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Do you know what noise levels your staff are exposed to during their working day?
This is the first step to determine if you are compliant with the CoNaWR 2005 or if you need to take further action to comply.
RB Health and Safety Solutions Ltd can carry out active noise monitoring survey for Technical, Backstage and Production staff, this is done during the performance using personal dosimeters to measure the noise levels for a working duration.
Cast and Performers can also have active noise monitoring survey undertaken, this would usually be during a Dress Rehearsal as the dosimeters will have to be worn over costumes.
Once the data has been gathered a monitoring survey report is produced for each person, the levels of noise exposure can then be referenced against the CoNaWR 2005 to determine if further action is needed. (Noise at Work Risk Assessment)
RB Health and Safety Solutions Ltd can provide a competent assessor to carry out a noise risk assessment of your venue to ensure that you comply with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
If a Noise Monitoring Survey identifies that the levels are exceeded we will make clear recommendations prioritising engineering controls (i.e. layout of orchestra pits), hearing protection programmes and health surveillance. The recommendations will follow the HSE guide “Sound Advice” which details specific controls which are suitable to the music and entertainment industry. This document can be downloaded at http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg260.htm
For further information please contact us on 01424 377 200 or email admin@rbhealthandsafety.co.uk
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RB Health and Safety Solutions, Silversprings Business Centre, Beaufort Road, St Leonards-On-Sea, TN37 6PP Tel 01424377200 Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Company No 04966344 VAT Reg 901404574