A critical incident can affect an organisation at any time and can have a dramatic impact on the mental wellbeing of your team.
A critical incident is a stressful event or series of events that affects your mental wellbeing negatively and can ultimately cause psychological distress and impair your day-to-day functioning. This may be as a result of an assault, severe injury, death, fire or an incident that is sudden, overwhelming, threatening or protracted. It could also be the result of an accumulation of stressful incidents.
Involvement in, or exposure to, abnormal workplace incidents can lead a person to experience distress. Usual coping mechanisms may struggle to effectively deal with a critical incident.
It is important to note that while Critical Incident Stress Management and debriefing can be beneficial for many individuals, it is not suitable for everyone, especially those who are already experiencing severe mental health issues. In such cases, more individualised forms of therapy may be required.Psychological First Aid and ongoing counselling, are also commonly used in conjunction with or instead of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), depending on the situation and individual needs.
Following a critical incident, individuals may struggle to regain a sense of safety and normalcy, which could impact on their mental health. By using critical incident stress management strategies, employers can help those affected by an incident deal with any physical and emotional reactions.
It's essential to recognise that CISM strategies should be integrated into an organisations overall health and safety program, and they should be administered by trained professionals or individuals with relevant crisis intervention expertise. Additionally, it's important for employers to regularly assess the effectiveness of these strategies and make adjustments as needed to better support their employees' mental health and well-being.
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