Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is the term used to define electronic devices used at work, such as computers, laptops and handheld devices. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 state that DSE includes “any alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process involved.’ Sometimes you may see DSE referred to as ‘VDUs’, meaning Visual Display Units, however DSE is the accepted as the standard term.
DSE is used in the majority of workplaces and has the potential to cause the user musculoskeletal injuries such as neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, along with stress, fatigue and temporary eyestrain. These disorders can be avoided if a DSE Risk Assessment is carried out and equipment is set up correctly and good practice is applied.
A DSE ‘user’ is someone who uses DSE ‘daily, for continuous periods of one hour or more’. Only users who fall within this definition are covered by the DSE Regulations, it is however good practice to ensure that every member of staff is comfortable in their workplace set up, and uses equipment suitable for the task.
This checklist can be used as an aid to completing your DSE risk assessment and to help comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.
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